Classic clip art on liturgical themes
- ultima-cena
- Trinity-7
- Trinity-8
- ultima-cena-1
- Trinity-4
- Trinity-6-bot
- Trinity-6-top
- Trinity-6
- Transfiguration 001
- Trinity-2
- Trinity-3
- trinitas(1)
- trinitas
- StJoseph(1)
- StJoseph-horz
- StJoseph-vert
- StJoseph
- StMichael
- Stpaul jp40
- StJoseph-comp
- St Mark 006
- St Matthew 007
- Stephen
- St Norbert
- St John the Evangelist 008
- St Luke 007
- singers
- soror
- scan002
- scribe
- seated around virgin
- ship-4
- Sanctus
- saintschoir
- Saints-Common
- saint11
- saint21
- SacreHeart-lg
- SacredHeart-1
- SacredHeart-2
- Sacred Heart
- sacramenti
- Rose
- s-michael-2
- s-michael
- Rosary-Rose
- Rosary-2
- Risen Christ
- Resurrection
- reliquary
- Receiving Communion
- PX-1
- Priestly Ordination
- praying
- pipe organ 23629
- Peter Paul
- pentecost(1)
- pentecosthours1a
- pentecost
- Pentecost-small
- Pentecost-top
- Pentecost
- Pentecost-bot
- Pentecost-large
- Pentecost-3
- Pentecost-4s
- Paxvobis-Easter
- Peacocks
- PAX-1
- parma1
- palmis
- pantocrator-2
- OmniSancti
- Orans
- Organ Angels
- OmniSancti-top
- OmniSancti-bot
- OLW-red-icon
- OLW-westminster
- Nativity 2
- Nativity
- Office
- oblata2
- MUF24DL4
- music02
- music21
- musico
- Michael
- Monk Ex Libris
- matrimonii
- michael-2
- Mass-trad
- Mass-trip
- Mass-funeral
- Mass-AllSouls
- Mass-11
- Mass-10
- Mass-08
- Mass-09
- Lord of the Seasons, 3-4th centuries
- Lux mundi
- Martyrdom
- logopic
- LausDeo
- leadrule
- LastSupper-1
- keys-stole
- Jesus Washing of Feet of the Apostles 003
- JohnBapNat
- Jonah, Resurrection, Peacock and XP Symbols 001
- Joseph-1
- Immaculate Heart Symbol 009
- Incense-3
- Isaiah
- in cena domini
- Immaculate Conception 002
- IHS(1)
- IHS-2
- IHS-4
- Image1
- IC-BVM-2-top
- IC-BVM-2
- IHOM-1
- IHS Symbol 007
- hymn to St. John
- HolyFamily
- HolyGhost-6
- HolyThursday-sm-trip
- HolyWeek-trip
- how the liturgy
- HolyCommunion-lg
- HolyCommunion-sm
- HolyCross
- Gar5.125
- Harp-1
- Harp
- harp.sized
- fons vitae.sized
- fregio10
- fregio12
- fregio2
- fregio5
- fregio8
- First Communion to girls BW
- Eucharistic Procession 002
- Evangelists
- File-Jesus gives Keys to St Peter 005
- Finding of Cross with St Helen BW
- eucharistos
- exsiquiis
- Epiphany-top
- Epiphany-tript
- Eucharist
- Easter-top
- EgoSum-3
- EgoSum-L-s
- Epiphany-bot
- Epiphany-sm
- Easter-bot
- Easter-large
- Easter-small
- Easter-5
- Easter-7
- Easter-7s
- Easter-8
- Defunctorum
- DeoGratias-1
- Easter-4s
- dlo
- David-large
- Defunctorum-cent
- crucifixus
- Crucifix
- Crucifixion-3
- Crucifixion-comp
- Crucifixion 016
- CrossVine
- Crowning with Thorns 001
- Crucifix-4
- Crucifix-5
- Confession-sm
- CorpusChristi
- Corpus Christi Mass and Procession with the Blessed Sacrament 001
- cottona
- cross-fil
- CMAA Logo
- Confession-lg
- clipart Clip Art053
- confessio
- ChristusRex-1
- ChristusRex-judge
- ChristusRex
- clerics
- clipart Clip Art044
- Christmas-Old
- Christmas-bot
- Christmas 002
- christi-regis
- christus rex
- Christ on the Cross Rood scene.Canon Cut
- Christ the King, Colour
- ChristHighPriest-L
- Child-Priest
- ChrisRex-1
- ChrisRex-2
- chanting03
- BVM-Saints
- Chalice and Grapes 001
- Chalice and Grapes with Lamb 001
- Chanters
- cena domini
- BVM-Purification
- BVM-Queenship-2
- BVM-Queenship
- BVM-Saints-Carmel
- BVM-Purification-1
- BVM-Purification-2-cen
- BVM-Purification-2
- BVM-Assumtion
- BVM-ImmCon-4
- BVM-ImmCon-6
- BVM-ImmCon-7
- BVM-Immac
- BVM-Anunc-8
- BVM-Assumption
- burne30
- BlessedSacrament-2
- blessing of concecrated virgin
- burne12
- burne13
- burne8
- BlesdSacr-1-comp
- BlesdSacr-1c
- Augustine & Monika BW
- Benedicamus-3.
- baptisma
- baptisma text
- benedicamus
- beretsche1
- blandina2
- Ascension-small
- Ascension-top
- Ascen-1
- Ascension-3
- Ascension-4
- Ascension-bot
- Ascension-large
- Annunciation-6(1)
- Annunciation-6
- Annunciation-7
- Annun-4bw(1)
- Annun-4bw
- Annun-5bw
- Annunciation-1
- Angels
- Angels Asking Apostles and Disciples a Question After the Ascension 001
- angel
- angels.sized
- AM-1
- AllSouls
- Amr-1
- altare-con-angeli
- AllSaints-Com
- AllSaints-M
- AllSaints-S
- AllSaints
- AllSaints2
- Adoration
- agnello-mistico-2
- agnus2
- agnusII
- agnusdei
- A1WPVictorian4
- AD-Evangelist
- AD-Evangelist2
- ac040
- 306
- 33414r
- 33416r
- 334a
- 420
- 451
- 185
- 186
- 188
- 189
- 194
- 270
- 122
- 130
- 150
- 151
- 091
- 093
- 094
- 097
- 078
- 081
- 084
- 088
- 027
- 035
- 036
- 045
- 061
- 003
- 017
- 018
- 3
- 4
- 5
- #U5716#U72473
- #U5716#U72474
- #U5716#U72475
- #U5716#U72476
- 1
- 2
- 2ndcoming
- #U5716#U72471
- #U5716#U72472
- trinity-8 184070953 o
- vatican 410324583 o
- wedding 184072755 o
- trinity-6-bot 184070950 o
- trinity-6-top 184070951 o
- trinity-6 184070949 o
- trinity-7 184070952 o
- stmichael 410320634 o
- tiara 2909468371 o
- trinity-2 410320657 o
- trinity-3 410324574 o
- trinity-4 410324578 o
- stjoseph-comp 184070164 o
- stjoseph-horz 184070165 o
- stjoseph-vert 184070948 o
- st-gregory 837640972 o
- stg 495573398 o
- stjoseph 184070163 o
- stjoseph 410320631 o
- singers 281461929 o
- spacer1 2909458221 o
- spacer2 2910306232 o
- sspeterandpaul 2910316890 o
- scan002 410318340 o
- scribe 2910316624 o
- sanctus-angel 3729311505 o
- sanctus 184066231 o
- saints-common 184066230 o
- saints 2910316828 o
- saintschoir 410318336 o
- sacreheart-lg 184066229 o
- rosary-rose 410315929 o
- rose 410315930 o
- sacredheart-1 410318322 o
- sacredheart-2 184066228 o
- resurrection1 2909468517 o
- rosary-2 184066226 o
- px-1 410315922 o
- px-ao 410315926 o
- requiem 3554734992 o
- pentecost-top 184064984 o
- pic1 2910316540 o
- px 410315923 o
- pentecost-large 184064982 o
- pentecost-small 184064983 o
- pentecost-4s 184063551 o
- pentecost-bot 184064980 o
- pentecost-3 410313971 o
- pentecost 184063554 o
- pentecost 2910316774 o
- paxvobis-easter 410313964 o
- peacocks 410313967 o
- pentecost 184063552 o
- palmsgif 448317623 o
- papal1 410313942 o
- pax-1 410313961 o
- omnisancti-top 184063549 o
- orans 410311975 o
- organ angels 410311986 o
- omnisancti-bot 410311966 o
- omnisancti 184062287 o
- olw-red-icon 410311954 o
- olw-westminster 410311960 o
- musicasacra 184062282 o
- nativity 2909468429 o
- office 184062285 o
- michael-2 410310431 o
- monstrance 495573400 o
- mass-trad 410310425 o
- mass-trip 184061036 o
- mass-funeral 184061035 o
- mass-allsouls 184061034 o
- mass-10 184059999 o
- mass-11 184061032 o
- logopic 511250228 o
- marycloak 511250246 o
- mass-08 184059996 o
- mass-09 184059997 o
- line3 2909458185 o
- line4 2909458197 o
- line5 2909458211 o
- logo 511250242 o
- lastsupper-1 184059989 o
- lausdeo 410310414 o
- line1 2909458155 o
- line2 2910306136 o
- joseph-1 184059203 o
- keys-stole 410310410 o
- johnbapnat 184059202 o
- image1 410310405 o
- incense-3 184059200 o
- isaiah 184059201 o
- ihs-4 184058479 o
- image churches059 184059199 o
- ihs-2 184058478 o
- ihs 410308956 o
- ic-bvm-2-top 184058476 o
- ic-bvm-2 184058475 o
- icofbvm 2909468641 o
- ihom-1 184058477 o
- ihs 184059198 o
- holythursday-sm-trip 410308955 o
- holyweek-trip 184057512 o
- holycommunion-sm 184057507 o
- holycross 184057508 o
- holyfamily 410308953 o
- holycommunion-lg 184057506 o
- harp-1 410308948 o
- evangelists 184056447 o
- flower1 2909458135 o
- eucharist 184056446 o
- epiphany-tript 184056445 o
- epiphany-top 184056443 o
- epiphany-bot 184056441 o
- epiphany-sm 184056442 o
- epiphany-sm 410308945 o
- epiphany 2909468465 o
- easter-top 184055641 o
- egosum-3 184055642 o
- egosum-l-s 184055643 o
- easter-large 184055639 o
- easter-small 184055640 o
- easter-7 410306989 o
- easter-7s 410306990 o
- easter-8 410306991 o
- easter-bot 184054968 o
- easter-4s 410304922 o
- easter-5 410306984 o
- defunctorum-cent 184054966 o
- deogratias-1 410304919 o
- decoration 483947397 o
- defunctorum 184054965 o
- david-large 184054963 o
- crucifixion-comp 184054962 o
- crucifixion-3 184053802 o
- crucifix-5 184053801 o
- crucifix-4 184053799 o
- cross-fil 410304911 o
- cross21 410304907 o
- cross 410304909 o
- crossvine 410304917 o
- confession-sm 184053082 o
- corpuschristi 184053795 o
- corpuschristi 2910316806 o
- cross 184053798 o
- confession-lg 184053081 o
- clipart clip art053 184053079 o
- christusrex-judge 184053076 o
- christmas-old 184051324 o
- christmas-sm 184051326 o
- christusrex-1 184051328 o
- chrisrex-2 184051320 o
- christhighpriest-l 184051321 o
- christmas-bot 184051322 o
- chrisrex-1 184050345 o
- celticcross 2599643565 o
- chalice1 2910317012 o
- chanters 410303414 o
- child-priest 184050344 o
- bvm-saints-carmel 184050343 o
- bvm-saints 184050342 o
- bvm-queenship-2 184050340 o
- bvm-queenship 184050341 o
- bvm-purification-2-cen 184049522 o
- bvm-purification-2 184049520 o
- bvm-purification-1 184049519 o
- bvm-immcon-7 184049518 o
- bvm-purification 184049523 o
- bvm-assumtion 184047782 o
- bvm-immac 410303409 o
- bvm-immcon-4 184047784 o
- bvm-immcon-6 184049517 o
- bvm-assumption 184047781 o
- bvm-anunc-8 184047780 o
- blesdsacr-1c 184046396 o
- blessedsacrament-2 184047778 o
- blesdsacr-1-comp 184046398 o
- assumption 2910316932 o
- ave-verum 184046392 o
- benedicamus-3 184046394 o
- bird 2910316558 o
- ascension-4 184044929 o
- ascension-bot 184044930 o
- ascension-large 184044931 o
- ascension-small 184044933 o
- ascension-top 184044934 o
- ascen-1 184044928 o
- ascension-3 410301722 o
- ascension 2909468545 o
- annunciation-6 184043805 o
- annunciation-7 184043806 o
- annunciation-1 410301721 o
- annunciation-6 184043804 o
- annun-4bw 184043803 o
- annun-5bw 410301719 o
- angel1 2910316598 o
- angel2 410298470 o
- angels 2909468733 o
- am-1 410298463 o
- amr-1 410298465 o
- amr 410298466 o
- allsaints2 184042778 o
- allsouls 184043800 o
- allsaints-com 184042780 o
- allsaints-m 184042781 o
- allsaints-s 184042782 o
- allsaints1 2910316960 o
- allsaints 184042779 o
- agnusdei-bookplate 3521437705 o
- ad-evangelist2 184040463 o
- agnusdei 463051574 o
- ad-evangelist 184042777 o
- 413 184072765 o
- 346 184072762 o
- 211 184072758 o
- 209 184072761 o